Center News
September 23, 2019
2019 Honor Card

2019 Honor Card1 Cards $5.00 USD5 Cards $20.00 USD10 Cards $40.00 USD20 Cards $80.00 USD25 Cards $100.00 USD

This Holiday Season, stand with us to help our neighbors that are struggling, those who have stumbled along life’s path and are homeless. The Honor Card is a great way to support Community Crossroads Center and share the message of need by honoring a friend or family member through its donation. With a minimum donation of $5 per card, individuals can send the card to family and friends letting them know they have donated to the shelter in their honor. One hundred percent of proceeds goes directly to help support Community Crossroads Center.Honor Cards have arrived and are available for purchase. If you purchase them online, Kimberly Pontarelli will contact you and you can pick them up at the office at 207 Manhattan Avenue or we will be happy to deliver them to you.

Since 1988, more than 500,000 Honor Cards have been purchased and sent to friends and family members to help fight homelessness through the annual honor card program, which are beautiful works of art by Mr. William Mangum, a very generous artist which began this program over three decades ago in order to reach out to the homeless community that you can purchase on our website. This program has a very successful partnership with the Community Crossroads Center in Greenville, NC and many other shelters across North Carolina. We encourage you to come out and support the annual honor program, purchase some beautiful art, and be the difference maker in the lives of homeless families throughout your community.Your support will help enable us to continue our mission of “Serving the homeless and those at risk of homelessness by providing safe housing, and assisting them in developing a long term plan that leads to self-sufficiency.” Programs such as the Annual Honor Card help keep this mission alive and enable us to contribute to a cause greater than ourselves here at Community Crossroad.To learn the story behind the Honor Card, here for the video about this year's Honor Card