Center News
July 28, 2016
Partnering With The Community
East Carolina University Alpha Epsilon Delta Honor Society Members Help Fight Homelessness By Moving Furniture and Then Pose for a Photo, published as part of "Partnering With The Community"

Partnering with the community is one of the many things that keeps our shelter running as smoothly as it does. Without the help from people who volunteer, our shelter would simply not be able to run. The sacrifice and giving from all of our volunteers has a lasting impact on our residents that is unmeasurable.The Community Crossroads Center is always in need of help from people who are willing to volunteer their time to the shelter. Our biggest need at the time is help with our breakfast program. Every day, volunteers begin the day for the residents by cooking or serving breakfast and supervising the residents during their cleanup process. At night, volunteers also serve up the dinner for our residents that has either been provided by individuals, businesses, or churches. If you are unable to volunteer and would still like to contribute to the shelter, a simple donation of items such as disposable plates, cups, napkins, bowls, forks, knives, and spoons are greatly appreciated and used every day by the residents.Before our meal program was implemented in June of 2013, our shelter only received 40 meals per day that were based on a first come, first serve basis. Now, with the help of all of our volunteers and donations, every resident has the opportunity to receive a hot breakfast and dinner of their own. Around 98% of our evening meals are supplied by local churches that we have partnered with in the past. This is just another reason why partnering with the community can benefit our shelter in more ways than one.If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact us, stop by our office at 207 Manhattan Street or download a volunteer application, page three of this document must be completed by the Greenville Police Department, and send it to:

Want to continue helping those in need? DONATE OR VOLUNTEER.